Fitness and Health in a Hot Climate: How to Stay in Shape Under the Scorching Sun

πŸ’ͺ Training in the Heat

How to change your workout process to avoid overheating, prevent exhaustion, and still achieve results.

πŸ’§ Hydration and Nutrition

The importance of electrolyte balance, water intake, and proper nutrition to maintain high performance in hot conditions.

πŸƒ Best Outdoor Workout Places

Discover the best locations in Dubai for outdoor workouts – from running trails to outdoor gyms with stunning views.

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Hello! My name is Lars Jensen, and I am a fitness enthusiast and a healthy lifestyle coach from Denmark. Moving to a hot climate completely changed my approach to training, hydration, and recovery. I had to adapt my routine, nutrition, and lifestyle to maintain maximum performance even in extreme heat.

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If you have questions about fitness, adapting to a hot climate, or improving results – write to me!